A Tribute to Billy Hallquist - 2015

Magic Marc Productions

I am an independent concert, music and event promoter based in the Minneapolis / Saint Paul, Minnesota area.

I am interested in creating unique, one of a kind, once in a lifetime, never to be forgotten events!

I am open to all ideas, suggestions, and comments for any kind of artistic endeavor.

Please feel free to email me with your thoughts.

Thank you.

Marc Evan Percansky


Billy Hallquist - About & Introduction

William Dean Hallquist (Billy) was born on October 19th, 1949 in Sioux Fall, South Dakota. 
In 1951, He was stricken with Polio, but survived after several months in the hospital. His family moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1962. Billy graduated from Roosevelt High School in 1967 and briefly attended the University of Minnesota. He withdrew from college to pursue a career in music. 

Like most teenagers, Billy was swept up in the Beatlemania phenomenon of the early '60s. Formed in 1965, his first band, The Transgressors, played the usual high school dances, talent shows and teen clubs of the day. His next group, The Other Guys, began to add original material to their repertoire of Beatles, Stones, James Brown, Bob Dylan, Animals, Paul Revere and The Raiders, Tommy James and other Top 40 hits.

This period was followed by Roulette Records recording artists Thundertree which released their self titled album in 1970. His first solo album, Persephone (1972) attracted loyal fans who have followed Billy's work to the present day. A brief yet productive tour with his Hallquist-Odegard Band led to his next acclaimed LP, Travelin' (1976), garnering wide radio airplay and solidifying Billy's fan base. Alongside an active career as a music industry executive, Billy has dedicated much of the last 40 years to touring with The KO Band, Cimmarron, Macavity, Perfectly Loud, Blood On The Tracks Live, The Three Amigos, The LA Rod & Reel Club, Dirt Farmers, Deja Blue, Chrome Horse Diplomats, leading up to the MN Legends and A Salute To The Music Of Bob Dylan right here tonight. Billy Hallquist has written and performed his own intimate, often humorous brand of autobiographical sketches in song and blog for all to enjoy on Facebook and YouTube. Here is a sample of one of my favorites! (Billy The Kid) As a concert organizer his work supporting the goals of Guitars For Vets nonprofit organization stands among his many contributions to the community. Of them he recently said "They put the healing power of music in the hands of heroes. I can not think of a greater calling."

It warms our hearts for these artists to be able to sing Billy's songs and give something back to a man who has done so much for all of us with his friendship, support and one of a kind spirit! 

An old time friend wrote this for him a long time ago. 

"Hey, Billy, where are we tonight?  South Dakota,
or Minnesota  (land of 10,000 beers).  Lost lonely
ladies, grown-up babies, Thundertrees, dogs with 
rabies, celebrations, good vibrations, broken-up 
bands and foreign lands, stale smokes and silly 
jokes, parties, clubs, and overdubs.  Guess we're
on the road, Billy, Travelin'." 
                                                          - -  Kevin O. 

Tonight we present to you his own words and music with great honor!

Our opening act was added to this show after their Winnebago broke down in the Moondance Festival floods last week and they couldn't get back to Arkansas.
Without further ado I would like to bring out now:

Smokey - Jeff Dayton 
Frank - Mark Lamoine
Topsy - Barbara Meyer
Shorty - Lonnie Knight
Aaron Joe - Aaron Ollswang
Bubba - Jim Steinworth
Jimmy Joe - James Loney
Kitty & Wanda - Edie Rae & Colleen O
Slim - Gary Lopac
Scratch - Scott Sansby
Doc - Bobby 'Z' Rivkin
Dusty - Kevin Odegard 

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome The Lonesome Travelers with A TRIBUTE TO BILLY HALLQUIST!

"I enjoy performing now as much, or more, than I ever did when I was doing it for a living" Billy often repeats to anyone who will listen. "I can't stand the booking end of the music business. I never had a desire to promote myself, which is an absolute necessity. But, if somebody asks me to play, I'll be there."
CD Liner-notes for Persephone 

Billy Hallquist - Persephone: http://rockasteria.blogspot.com/2013/05/billy-hallquist-persephone-1972-73-us.html

Billy Hallquist Fans: https://www.facebook.com/billyhallquistfans/info?tab=page_info

Band Tree - 1965 - 2015

The Transgressors - 1965 - 1966

The Other Guys - 1966 - 1967

Good Idea - 1968 - 1969

Thundertree - 1969 - 1971

Billy Hallquist (Solo) - 1971 - 2015

Persephone (Album) - 1972

Macavity - 1975 - 1976

Travelin' (Album) - 1976

The KO Band - 1976 - 1977, 2001, 2007, 2009, 2012

Cimmarron - 1977 - 1978

The Taste Buds - 1987 - 1991

Perfectly Loud - 1996 - 2002

Blood On The Tracks Live - 2009 - 2012

The Three Amigos - 2010  

Los Angeles Rod & Reel Club - 2011

Salute To The Music Of Bob Dylan - 2012 - 2015

Dirt Farmers - 2012

Deja Blue - 2013

MN Legends - 2013 - 2015

Chrome Horse Diplomats - 2014

A Tribute To Billy Hallquist - 2015

Billy Hallquist: http://minniepaulmusic.com/?page_id=5371

Thundertree: http://minniepaulmusic.com/?page_id=2804

Thundertree: http://psychedelicbaby.blogspot.com/2012/09/thundertree-interview-with-billy.html

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